• Decide which current staff personnel: – will continue, – need additional training, and – will leave the new unit. • Decide what types of new personnel will need to be hired to run the new unit. • Process terminations • Complete hiring process Determine Faculty Responsibilities and Evaluation Processes in the New Unit This may require considerable discussion and negotiation. The Provost’s Office is available to provide facilitation, if needed. • Refer to data collected earlier concerning promotion and tenure, teaching, workloads, student support, advising, recruitment, graduate student mentoring, research/scholarly /creative work, etc. • The above issues will need to be discussed and resolved; compensation, teaching load, research/scholarly/creative work, advising, etc. • Develop appropriate job descriptions, classifications, and compensation for current faculty and new faculty positions in the new unit. Define Final Organizational Structure and Leadership Roles for New Unit • Finalize and document the structure of the new unit: – Committees, undergrad & grad programs, leadership roles, reporting lines, faculty & staff roles • Evaluate any remaining isolated programs, committees, functions (anything that doesn’t fit into the new unit) and integrate or eliminate. Create Physical Facility and Equipment Plan • Establish a committee or person to gather data on space, facilities and equipment • Conduct an inventory of space and equipment for all elements of the merged unit. Include offices, classrooms, laboratories, storage space, etc. Document the results. • Develop a mechanism for space allocation and, if appropriate, identify a funding source for relocation and renovations. Discuss the space needs in relation to the new vision. • Establish policies and procedures related to space and equipment utilization, shared space and equipment (core facilities). Document these policies and procedures. Develop Resource Plan • Examine existing resources (money, equipment, space, people) • Align resources to meet the new staffing requirements, processes and space plans.