APPENDIX 151 • Determine who makes resource decisions. For example, the department head, faculty committee, executive committee, Dean, etc. • Determine source of funding for administration, faculty, and staff. Review and revise funding policies, such as indirect cost allocation. Identify Issues that Require Negotiation In some mergers, individual faculty or whole units may want to move from one college or department into the newly forming unit in another college or department. Some of the merging units will want to relocate near the core of the new unit and will need space in a different location. This will often require negotiations at different levels in the institution. • Indentify individuals or units that might be appropriate to join your unit and who want to join your new unit. OR Determine whether new space is desirable for the success of the new unit. OR other issues as yet undefined. • Determine resources that might be available to use in the negotiation (Indirect Cost Recovery funds for some period of time, teaching courses for the previous unit for a few years, exchange ofFTEs between units, old space that could be traded, etc). Most issues will require discussion with the next level of administration and usually will require final approval from the Provost. Develop a Strategic Plan for the New Merged Unit • Review existing UA and any existing college strategic planes), Academic Program Reviews, or accreditation reports from merging units • Create a strategic plan for the new unit Develop Plan to Measure the Success of the Merger Evaluate the metrics used previously to assess the value of the merger. Determine if these metrics are sufficient or if new metrics are required to measure success of the merger. Re- vise and publish the metrics to ensure all staff and faculty understand how success of the new unit will be measured. Celebrate Celebrate small successes throughout. Use social events to gather information in a com- fortable atmosphere and to make informal announcements about the prowess of the merger. Depending on unit and situation, determine if a final celebration is appropriate at the conclusion of the Implementation Phase