40 ORGANIZING ACADEMIC COLLEGES: A GUIDE FOR DEANS without first checking with the dean. This figure illustrates the separation between faculty administrators and profes- sional staff administrators. Professional staff members tend to occupy areas of low faculty-related responsibilities and less autonomy, while faculty holding titles of asso- ciate dean tend to have higher responsibility for faculty/academic affairs and a greater level of autonomy. The quadrant that represents low autonomy and high faculty re- sponsibility includes administrative fellows and some associate deans. The quadrant represented by high autonomy with low faculty purview contains faculty assistant deans with student-related functions as well as staff associate deans assigned development responsibilities for the college. This model is a strong match with the general patterns we have found across many institutions, and thus represents a reasonable guide to decanal staff, but like anything else at universities, exceptions are relatively common. FIGURE 3.1 Model Predicting Rank and Title for Decanal Staff LEVEL of AUTONOMY of DECISIONS RESPONSIBILITY for FACULTY/ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Director* Staff Rank HIGH LOW HIGH Director* Staff Rank Assistant Dean Facutly Rank Associate Dean of Development Staff Rank LOW Admistrative Fellow, Assistant Dean Associate Dean Faculty Rank Associate Dean Faculty Rank * Director or other title typically held by professional staff. SOURCE: Websites from institutions listed in the CCAS 2015 Membership Directory.