ASSESSING THE POTENTIAL FOR CHANGE 61 TABLE 4.1 Frames and Central Concepts in an Organization Structural Rules Roles Goals Policies Technology Environmnet Political Power Conflict Competition Organizational politics Human Resource Needs Skills Relationships Symbolic Culture Meaning Metaphor Ritual Ceremony Stories Heroes SOURCE: Bolman and Deal, Modern Approaches to Understanding and Managing Organizations, 1984. For purposes of considering college organization issues, the application of each frame would be: Structural Deans sit within a larger organizational context. The Structural frame encompasses the rules, policies, procedures, roles, and assignments that set contexts and bound- aries for how a dean can act. Political Any environment includes dynamics of influence, power, and relationships. Situa- tions need to be examined keeping in mind the motivations, alliances, differences, conflict, and sources of support (from above and below) for your actions as a dean. Human Resource You get the most out of people when they feel valued, heard, fully utilized for their talents and skills, and when they are offered opportunities to grow. The Human Re- source frame attends to how people feel and what needs they seek to have satisfied. Symbolic “We’re all in this together.” Symbolic gestures and events acknowledge the need to give larger meaning to change events through celebrations, recognitions, and reminding people in your college that they are part of a shared vision or purpose. Table 4.2 enumerates under each frame the kinds of questions a dean might ask him/herself as they contemplate, prepare for, and implement change.