1969 In a sign of the times, President Phil Cartwright writes in the August newsletter that, with the close of the academic year, 1970 Annual Meeting includes the first Workshop for New Deans Visiting Dean Program launched 11 Paul J. MAGELLI WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY Three decades ago, the decline and fall of the United States as the world’s leading export nation had begun and “the information age” in America was emerging. The faith and future of the arts and sciences are inextri- cably bound to these phenomena. I wish I had had the foresight to lead the faculty in creating a minor of “what is a business.” Had we collectively done so, our workplace and our country would have the very best of both worlds; the arts and sciences would be robust and flourishing; the economy would be stronger, and our nation’s well-being would be immeasurably enhanced. If you haven’t done so, I admonish each of you as academic leaders to do so. 1982-1983 1968 The newsletter notes that membership has grown to Membership decides to hold its annual meeting apart from NASULGC every other year (beginning in 1968) 70 MEMBERS 1971 “many of us are heaving a sigh of relief that we have neither been shut down or burned down.”