57 2014 CCAS publishes it first book, Deans and Development: Making the Case for Supporting the Liberal Arts and Sciences, edited by Anne-Marie McCartan (Executive Director) and Carl J. Strikwerda (former Treasurer) CCAS publishes it first book, DEANS and DEVELOPMENT EDITED BY Anne-Marie McCartan and Carl J. Strikwerda Making the Case for Supporting the Liberal Arts and Sciences YOU ARE HERE 2015 Nancy A. GUTIERREZ UNIVERSITYof NORTH CAROLINA at CHARLOTTE In my presidential address, “Storytelling and the Deanship,” I argued that, whatever our own (inter)disciplinary training, story- telling is at the heart of our work as scholars and teachers. Consequently, instead of accepting the narrative that liberal learning is not vocational train- ing, as it does not directly lead to a particular career, we should reframe the narrative and argue that colleges of arts and sciences are, in fact, vocational institu- tions, as we prepare our students to be successful in all the roles they play. The better students get at storytelling, the more able they will be to grow as human beings, to become engaged citizens, and to be productive members of their community. 2013-2014 The College of William & Mary agrees to extend its agreement to serve as host institution for CCAS through June 2021 More than 75 deans and associate deans take part in three online “stakeholder input” sessions to help the Board of Directors shape its next strategic plan CCAS launches its 50th year with a gala reception at the National Press Club