27 Vassar College joins CCAS as its first private-institution member. Nancy S. Dye is Dean of the College. 1988 1989 An Ad Hoc Committee on Associate/Assistant Deans is named and charged with exploring the potential role in Council affairs of associate and assistant deans 1989 Annual Meeting registration form makes first mention of the option of a “vegetarian plate” Carolyn T. ADAMS TEMPLE UNIVERSITY My presidential address in 1998 focused on the liberal arts in a culture of career- ism, noting the unequal impacts of that trend on students at different income levels. In the late 1990s we saw that low-income undergraduates faced more pressure than their more affluent coun- terparts to opt for a degree in a profes- sional school. Now, we see once again patterns of social stratifica- tion: students of modest means enroll in career training programs, believing that the diploma leads directly to a job. Meanwhile, universities busily construct Honors Colleges that are high-quality liberal arts programs for students graduating from highly ranked schools. As social inequality in the U.S. deepens, we should be asking ourselves: is higher education reducing or exacerbating that inequality? 1997-1998