35 1996 CCAS enters into an arrangement with Isaac J. Mowoe of Ohio State University to offer talks on Legal Issues in Higher Education 1997 First ListServ is established “for the exchange of information and ideas pertinent to CCAS and liberal arts and sciences education” CCAS conducts its first survey of salaries for new faculty (“New Hires Survey”) P. Geoffrey FEISS COLLEGE of WILLIAM and MARY My recollections of 2003 were dominated by the twin dark forces of budget cuts to higher education and the increasing vocationalism and corporatization of the university. Activist boards of men and women with neither love of nor respect for the liberal arts were flexing their muscles. Justifiable concerns over the rising cost of post-secondary education were used as justification for muzzling dissent, destabilizing and marginaliz- ing the faculty, and undermining the traditional role of higher education in educating the whole person. The shadows of the now persistent threats to academic freedom, to the intellectual mission at the liberal arts core of the academy, and to open, critical, and free inquiry into all aspects of the world we live in were visible. 2002-2003