Organizing the Dean’s Office for Development 53 staff if you provide your conference/travel calendar at least a semester in advance so they can schedule appointments for you before, after or in time windows during your conference (e.g. now you have another reason to attend CCAS meetings!). You are the chief academic officer for the college, which means your development officer will rely on you to communicate (in lay terms) the academic vision of the college and its programs to potential donors. Know your elevator speech for the college and for each of the major initiatives underway in the college. Regardless of where communica- tions/marketing staff are housed, you are responsible for communication about the college. This includes your college and department websites, case statements for the college and major initiatives, press releases, as well as internal communication to your departments regarding devel- opment initiatives and successes. Ideally, the communications staff will align newsletters, articles, and web-materials with the development priorities for the college; donors will see this as a consistent message coming from the college. (JCH) When my development officer and I visit donors, we always bring a packet of materials to leave behind. For a first visit, this would normally include a selection of mate- rials from the college and the department(s) representing the donor’s affiliations or interests, as well as materials from the University capital campaign. The development officer and college communications director work together and with department chairs, so that we have an attractive brochure or “one-pager” for each department and research center in the college, providing quick facts, notable accomplishments of faculty and students, and a selection of giving opportunities. Depending on the donor, faculty publications—especially from history and creative writing—literary journals, and recordings, make meaningful gifts. If your office is hiring a development officer (or if your institution is hiring one for you), make sure that you are heavily involved in the