

Membership in CCAS is institutional rather than individual and is open to regionally accredited Colleges, Schools, and Divisions of Arts and Sciences that grant the baccalaureate degree. As part of the institutional membership, any school or college at the institution within the sphere of arts and sciences may be included in CCAS membership at no additional cost. Consent by the Dean of the College/School paying the dues must be secured before additional units are added.

Within a state university system, if each campus has a college/school of arts and sciences, or the equivalent (a college/school of arts and/or social sciences and/or humanities and a college/school of science and/or mathematics), each campus is considered an eligible member and must pay dues independent of one another. If, on the other hand, one campus houses the college/school of arts, social sciences and humanities and a separate campus houses the college/school of science and mathematics, the two institutions could be considered one entity with one membership fee. The same parameters pertain to private institutions with multiple campuses.

Individuals who are eligible for membership in CCAS are deans, associate deans, and assistant deans with academic responsibilities within colleges/schools of arts and sciences at CCAS member institutions. Faculty and staff at member institutions who are not eligible for CCAS membership are entitled to member registration fees at all CCAS seminars, workshops, and meetings.

If you are a CCAS member at one institution and relocate to a non-member institution, your membership will remain active only if your new institution joins CCAS.



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