CCAS Anti-Racism Statement


The Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) was founded in 1965, during the turbulent period of demand for expansion of Civil Rights for Black people in the United States of America. The 2020 murder of George Floyd has spawned massive national and international protests with roots reaching back to the founding of the country, as well as countless continuing expressions of anti-Black racism and calls to end police brutality. Many who are not African American clearly saw that the hard-earned victories of the 1960s were not as far-reaching and permanent as they had believed. CCAS shares the sadness, regret, and anger of most people and institutions in the United States of America that the battles of the 1960s are being re-fought five decades later.

We commit to anti-racism and stand with others who commit to educational efforts to combat anti-Black racism and structural inequality in the United States. Internally, CCAS provides support for deans as they navigate complex issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion on their campuses.

We believe that deans can help other deans identify and change personal and institutional biases, and stop discriminatory practices in their institutions. Externally, we work closely with other higher education organizations who have similar social justice objectives. CCAS is collaborating with our allies to improve the lives of Black faculty, students, and staff on American college campuses. Educating our students and ourselves will help make sure that another 55 years will not pass without democratic and just practices becoming truly embedded in academia and society. The board encourages the membership to contribute strategies and tactics for making CCAS a more effective anti-racist organization.

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