Deans Knowledge Base (DKB)
The Deans Knowledge Base (DKB) is a searchable database of resource documents of interest to A&S deans. Included in the database are summaries of ListServ discussions, presentations from conferences and seminars, presidential addresses, white papers, and so forth. DKB documents are available only to members of CCAS by logging in under Members Only with your personal ID.
The database is organized into categories, and can be searched within categories or by using keywords. Click here for a table of keywords. Searching works best if you enter a single word rather than a phrase.
Search Deans Knowledge Base (select either or both):
Posting midterm grades online
Deans Listserv, January 2012
Plagiarism checking software
Deans Listserv, July 2011
Orienting transfer students
Deans ListServ, June 2011
Credit-seeking and continuing ed students
Deans ListServ, May 2011
Dean's list criteria
Deans ListServ, May 2011
Student registration priority
Deans ListServ, January 2011
Summer registration for first-year students
Deans ListServ, October 2010
Academic advising
Deans ListServ, September 2010
Students who claim they were not properly advised
Deans ListServ, September 2010
Funding undergraduate research
Deans ListServ, June 2010
Reporting plagiarism
Deans ListServ, December 2009
Advising definitions
Deans ListServ, October 2009
Certifying graduation requirements
Deans ListServ, October 2009
Academic honesty policies
Deans ListServ, August 2009
Transferring grades
Deans ListServ, October 2008
The Impact of Financial Aid Changes
David Beougher, Anne E. Zayaitz
Presentation for 2013 Annual Meeting